Thursday 9 January 2014

Donnie Darko clip analysis - location and mis-en-scene

The main location of this scene is the high school. The scene starts with students coming out of a school  bus, the typical yellow school bus in America and coming into the high school. An establishing shot is then based to show where the main location of the movie. There are not many different locations in the scene, after the establishing shot we are then brought it into the main corridor where all the students access their lockers. Mis-en-scene also helps establish the school environment: in terms of costumes, all students are wearing simple uniform but uniquely depending on their character. The school bus is also another prop used to establish the school environment as a source of transport for the school students. The lockers are another prop used to establish a type of school environment, it's quite dark in the corridor swell filled with students implying a claustrophobic scene of the main corridor. 

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