The Bling Ring is a 2013 American satirical black comedy crime film based on actual events. Directed, written and produced by Sofia Coppola, it features an ensemble cast including newcomers Israel Broussard, Katie Chang and Claire Julien, as well as Taissa Farmiga and Emma Watson. It focuses on the typical idea of teenagers setting out to achieve their life dream of fame and fortune, internet impacts on teenagers, self conscience thoughts, envy and greed for the celebrity life.
Bling Ring will be qualfied as a teen movie as it follows the lives of teenagers who aim to achieve the typical aspirations of any other teenager. These include: fame, fortune, expensive branded clothing, freedom to party and even fulfil the typical slogan "YOLO" (You Only Live Once). Bling Ring connects with a teenage audience in this way, but has an overall moral at the end of the story to almost teach the target audience the reality towards the aspiration of success.
Each character of the teen movie generalises the different characters of teenagers. For example, the main male actor represents teenagers out there who are vulnerable and self conscience, those who may feel like an outsider with their community of peers. He then meets a bunch of new friends who bring a different light to his life. With a character like this, I believe that the director attempts to make a specific point about the teenagers of today. She may be implying that teenagers need to be conscience of who they interact with and also how vulnerable they are. The different characters each have unique abilities and distinct features about them making them different from their peer, making the point that you cannot generalise teenagers. There are many meanings the movie suggests : the easy access and knowledge the internet provides and the love for that "celeb life" and how this is the life everyone wants and needs.
Bling Ring is different to most teenage films because it's a true story also it does not rely on stereotypes as much as other teen genre movies, which is a key convention of most. It's a very unique film
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