Thursday 23 January 2014

A second initial idea on our real film

So we've discussed the role each of us will take. We've come to a conclusion that Tee will be Mia the main character, Hayley will be the cinephotographer and myself and Brandy are the dancers. Brandy and myself will need to come together to produce an effective dance routine as well as props to represent our characters. We're inspired by the scene where Mia's in the park watching the girls dance and then she suddenly confronts them causing a fight. We will need to think about another part of the film to turn into reality because we need to be filming for 3 minuets minimum and that scene on its own, isn't efficient.  We are currently discussing where to film and it's rather difficult to locate this connecting to the real environments where FishTank is set. We've Just decided to film the scene where Mia is dancing in the flat.

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