Monday 2 December 2013

Juno (2007) — Art of the Title

Juno (2007) — Art of the Title

What happens at the start of the film?

In this film title sequence, i found:


These are important for the audience to be aware of who will be starring in the film. Any known actors for the audience will immediately attract the audience to the film as they are familiar with their work.

An established setting using an establishing shot (Setting and location established)

The established shots used in title sequences aids the audience to get overall idea of where the setting is. For example, in Juno it's clear that the film will be set in a suburban area of America rather than the typical busy cities of New York. It helps build a foundation of what to expect in the film, for example stereotypes which the audience will look forward to.

Main character is shown + other important characters

 this mainly helps develop the story and who the overall plot of the movie is based on, who's lives are we following. It will also help establish the love and hate relationship that the audience tend to have with film characters.


 Music is important to overall get a natural vibe from the film
Film identifications- This is important for the audience as it helps develop the  overall interest of the film, the audience will associate the film the film identifications with other films produced by the company and this will then appeal to the audience.

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