The bling ring
The Bling ring is a teen film presenting a group of troublesome teenagers living in the sunny hills of California, their obsession with money and fame lead them to an horrendous ending. Perhaps the break in never resolved their greed in popularity?
The Bling ring is a typical teen film following the codes and conventions of a teen film as it includes the different types of characters such as the outsider , rebel, dumb popular girl, homosexual etc. It also is set in a high school and typical teenage locations such as the classroom , beach , shopping hall and others which also show that the Bling Ring is a teen film.
The Bling Ring also portrays the materialism and how fashion, money s strong enough to attract young pupils despite other important things. poverty, also shows a dark side of how teenagers in today's society crave for 'popularity '.
The group is represented as a group of teenage girls that are seen as popular to people but they believe they need more which they decide to break in. Also the group of girls seen in Bling Ring are typical 4 girls you may see in other teen films normally consisting of a leader , rebel and the good looking girl. However, a guy who is seen as an outsider is brought into the group which we rarely see within teen films but it is also shown he is a homosexual which makes it easier to develop relationships with these girls as if he where a homosexual it would cause a sexual tension with the girls in the group.
The Bling ring is rather different from other old teen films as we now live in a new era of youth with teenagers whom are easily able to access drugs and alcohol in which case the film shows the use of it, while still presenting the genre of an ordinary teenage film, it follows into the movie genre of films like oceans eleven and the bank job though, the film manages to aim it at teens by meeting the criteria.
Furthermore, The Bling Ring also exaggerates the severe obsession of teens whom crave for celeb 'fashion' and money compared to similar films like Mean Girls.
We also see that the boy is portrayed as an outsider who hasn't got many friends and seems rather silent and innocent until he meets the troublesome clique and develops character and shows what he is really like. Similarly to the girl (plays Lindsay lohan) in mean girls, as she is an outsider that has nothing in common with the popular girls but until she is noticed by them and brought into the group she starts to become like them and do what she's been told to do, and develops friendships with them.
The Bling ring also presents many different social networking sites such as Facebook which show how the teenagers get convicted by posting pictures of themselves with the items they've stolen (eg. Paros Hilton's bag) so they seem much significant, rich and popular against their peers, in other words, 'showing off'.
Bling Ring also focuses particularly on celebrities like Lindsay lohan, showing them through media and news channels and their involvement with the teenage thefts as this is what motivated them to commit the crimes .