Thursday 6 March 2014

Rough Cut of Final Film and Feedback with Improvements

This is the rough cut of our final film:


Firstly, the scene where the main character is opening her front door with a key and the scene where the same character also goes onto the laptop to check an email, telling her that she needs to send a video of her self dancing, to get into a dancing college that she wants to get into. Both these scenes need to be improved. 

Our teacher gave feedback telling us that the key scene is too long ands this is not necessary because it is no an essential part of the film. Also, she told us that the scene where the character is on the laptop, needs to be made clearer because it is quite blurry.


To make these problems better, we will cut down the scene where the main character is opening the door, and we may add another charter walking to fill in the space.

For the other scene that needs to be improved we will call a technician to help us make it look clearer. 

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