Monday 17 March 2014

Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full production?

Pre-production was very different because it took much longer firstly, and much more thought and effort was but in to in. From doing the prelim, we noticed that the more you plan, the smoother and cleaner the production part is. We done multiple storyboards for our final film, improving each time, which helped the filming be as easy as it could be. Production was much not quicker for the final that the prelim, but it was simpler. Since we had learnt how to use the camera, chose angle and shots and use different techniques, it was smoother as we knew what we were doing. The editing process was longer, simply because the actual clip was longer, it was easy as I was familiar with the software, and this left room for us to add extra things to the product, like Foley sounds - these are sounds that exaggerate diegetic sounds making them clearer. During editing we had to make sure that the match cutting were consistent and did not look like jump cuts, also the 180 degree rule was not really used in my film and the thirds rule was used in our film and any shots that weren't like this, were not used.

I used Glogster how the difference in camera work, mise-en-scene, sound and editing, between my prelim and my final product:

Overall, I have learnt how to better myself as I taught myself how to get used to things like the camera and software, that contributed to the success of my film opening.

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