Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Evaluation Question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The social groups my film relates to is typical teenagers who are left lonely and whom are having to be facing life's struggles on their own. Mostly though, my film will attract more fe-males rather than males because of the characters produced by fe-males in my group. As well as the stereotypes in my film; princess, casual, sporty and the girl getting bullied. For this reason, we may be loosing some viewers and prevent males from wanting to watch our film.

we've specifically proven that our film is aimed at fe-male teens whom have problems with their siblings, lonely people that are having to deal with depression without the support of nobody. This has been presented through the stereotypes to the audience through; camera work, editing, sound and mis-en-scene.

Comparison to my prelim


33. PRELIM - Kaay, Gizem, Sophie, Sammy from 283goswell on Vimeo.

In my prelim, we've represented different social groups and stereotypes as; the higher class, the stupid worker and the sneaky receptionist. The way we've achieved this is mainly by the Mis-en-scene relating to the type of costumes and props we've used. For example, We've used the card to represent authority, we've used the blazer for Kay to make her appear like a receptionist.  The types of camera angles we've used aren't quite interesting here as we've created this clip way long ago.

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