Thursday 13 February 2014

Presentaation Feedback

Our Teacher gave us important tips that we had to consider to make out Pitch Presentation better:

The slide that we had to improve on


We should improve our 'audience details' slide by adding more specific  information such as, the audience of our film would be teenagers who live in London and most likley girls because they go through more harder times with their siblings and peers so they can relate to our film.

We have preiviously learnt some themes that are used in teen movies and we tried to apply some of them to out film. Conflict with family/adults and conflict with friends are both common in teen movies and we explore these themes in our movie. We think that this will attract teenagers and help the audience to undrstand that our film is targeted to teenagers.

Our main character is a girl so our film is likely to atract female teens. However, our film may also atract older people because they may be going through similar problems with families etc, like our main character is. 

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