Monday, 5 May 2014

Question 6.

Through the process of constructing this movie I have learnt many things in terms of technologies.

Technologies may include the camera work. There is great detail needed in order to gain great focus, clarity but also convey meaning. There are different shots needed in order to convey meaning for example the establishing shots establish the location but for the audience, it also established the type of genre conveyed and also builds up conventions in the genre. Not only cinematography was learnt but also the actual camera.  We used a JVC pro camera,  it is not the same as big blockbuster movies however it was good enough especially with the budget,  there is great difference between the types of cameras used which is one thing I learnt the most when constructing our final product.

Internet based technologies include Safari which was mainly used for research and planning stages building up to our final product. We also used Blogger which was almost our log book for all research,  planning, and final pieces that was an ongoing updated technology to the final product, it can be seen as a record of our progress.

Other technologies may include the post production,  editing stage of the product. This stage we used editing programmes such as Final Cut Pro on Mac. Here we not only merged all clips together,  adding fades and our credits but we also learnt techniques with music and also building the clarity of the clips.

Question 3.

As a low budget film, this film will more than likely not be mafe into a blockbuster and be supported by conglomerates such Marvel. However, this will most likely be categorised as a British Independent film, one that will most likely gain support to be published by film frstivals such as Sundance or FilmFest. Companies involved in the film may include Big Talks productions or Film 4.

However we have had the support from the production company "Silverscreen productions" and the distribution company.

We used these as our own, these are companies who support independent British films and mainly target those of student making or small projects. This was perfect for us as this was exactly how our project was revolved around. These companies are much more realistic for us and are based around our level of the film industry, that being not too advanced.

Question 1.

Conventions are elemnts in the filn that the audience will expect to see in the film, this is usuakly based of the genre of the film.

In the case of my film being an urban british movie dealing with the struggles of a young adult; the audience have a mental schema set up in accordance to the genre. Conventions may include family struggles, ambitions, drugs/violence/alcohol, they make expect Grime, rapping, urban music, stereotypes of young adults to be fulfilled, etc.

However, my film does support these conventions but may also challenge these conventions building something new for the audience.

Conventions that are fulfilled not only for the genre of my film but general teen movies will be compared to the movie Fish Tank

Distribution idents, violence between characters,  establishing shots of the location but also establishing the main character of the movie, etc. Here some comparisons